Medical Long-term studies show us: Proper dental care prevents tooth decay and tooth loss.

But what is a proper dental care how does that work?
Even as a child we learned that the daily dental care and oral hygiene is the most important fact for your teeth. This prevents tooth decay and gum bleeding, if you do it the right way. The key to success is the correct cleaning technique, especially when using a manual toothbrush. An electric toothbrush is easier to handle. Whatever you choose, the aim of brushing is to remove plaque thoroughly. Plaque is the cause of tooth decay, gingivitis or periodontal disease. We also recommend you to use Dental Floss regularly and to brush your teeth at least two times a day.

How to brush and clean your teeth in the best way can be shown to you as part of a professional dental care in the Airport Clinic in Freising! It is highly commended to make a professional dental care twice a year. It is best to make an appointment today for a professional dental care
in the AirportClinic Freising, enough customer parking spaces are available!

More interesting reports on the subject can be seen here:
The 7 biggest mistakes in the dental care